Coping with Pet Loss
“Animals are reliable,” wrote Alfred Montapert, “many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful, and loyal.” He went on to comment these are “difficult standards for people to live up to.” In other words, our cherished animal companions are our teachers, our confidantes, and often our protectors. Is it any wonder we are broken-hearted when they leave us?
How To Support Children After The Death Of A Pet
Often the loss of a pet is a child’s first personal experience of death, and as such, it offers you–the caregiver–a remarkable opportunity to shape the way they will deal with loss far into the future. Lets discuss how to tell a child their pet died.
How To Help Older Adults Cope With Pet Loss
You would think that loss affects us all–children, adults, and the elderly–in exactly the same ways, wouldn’t you? But much as grief is harder for children because of their lack of experience with it; grieving in older adults can be more difficult simply because of all the loss they have endured in the past.
Inspirational Quotes on pet loss and love
We have a growing collection of inspirational quotations and are divided into two categories. We invite you to browse both.
Downloadable Pet Bereavement Resources
We have a list of pet loss support content available for immediate download from our website.
Get in Touch
Devoted Friends Pet Cremation by Schildknecht Funeral Home
301 S. Lincoln Avenue
O'Fallon, IL 62269
PHONE: (618) 632-3713